Nour Akoum

About Nour Akoum

Nour Akoum, French & Lebanese independent perfumer. After having her B.S. in Chemistry, she studied European Fragrance & Cosmetics Masters at ISIPCA-Paris where it also, included an MBM degree from the University of Padova, Italy and a Scientific Perfumery Master from the University of Versailles, France. She’s also, really passionate about Fashion and Style, and acquired a Fashion Design Professional Certificate in Milan. 
Perfumery is this mysterious field where she gets the chance to be creative and compose astonishing fragrances. Her main focus is being an independent perfumer and bringing a difference to this field. Providing a customized experience to clients, translating their personalities, stories and
emotions into a delicate scent. 
Nour Akoum Parfumeur” was founded to share the beauty of Fragrances and how a perfume is directly connected to us and has a much
deeper story than just a commercial product. 



The artwork for Cloud Cardamom was done by Fatima Kassem.